[an error occurred while processing this directive] Moorea ! Honeymoon tahitian names of French Polynesian island.
Magic Moorea home page

So you came to Moorea
for your Honeymoon ? How nice...

But now ? How will you name the baby ?

Names in Tahiti have meanings, and are often very poetic.
They are built around nouns, past heros, gods and goddesses.
In the tradition, since some names were particular to families' history,
complex rules of combining parents and ancestors' names would allow
retreival of genealogies. Strong laws being held against inbreeding,
Tahitian legends and stories are full of Shakespearian dramas..


While pregnant,
her mother was obsessed with 'monoi',
this delicately fragranced tahitian beauty oil.
She would even wake up in the middle of
the night to smell it and rub herself !

So the grandmother decided the baby
should be called Monoihere,
'Beloved Monoi'.


For their youngest child
his parents wanted to honor
the Polynesian strengh,
so they called him Maohinui,
'The Great Polynesian'...

Some Tahitian names

Heimana (crown of power ) Tiare ( flower ) Poe ( pearl ) Maire ( fern )
Vaimiti ( water of the sea ) Herenui ( huge love ) Miri ( caress ) Rainui ( great sky )
Tearii ( the king ) Moana ( ocean ) Maeva ( welcome ) Ataroa ( huge smile)

Thinking of giving your child a tahitian name ?

Just tell me the virtues or natural feelings you would want to express,
and I will email you back with some suggestions !

The name would be for a

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